New Year
Happy New Year! Hope you all have an amazing 2012 and had many great adventures this year. I spent yesterday making and styling this New Year banner using crafty materials in my little home.
Looking back on last years New Year resolutions...I actually accomplished them all and more! Like last year I am giving myself new obtainable resolutions like;
Learn to sew (using my new sewing machine!! Eeep!)
Work on sewing related craft projects like embroidery (already started a pillow) and patchwork, pattern making etc.
Write and design a new publication (BIG dream is a book deal!)
Decorate my little house with all things handmade.
It really has been one big fun, crazy and crafty year made better because of all of you - both lovely and inspiring in your own special way - Thank you.
2 0 1 1 F A V E S
Making Kawaii craft videos
Exhibiting designs in Edition Paumes 'Pray For Japan' in Tokyo to help a country close to my heart.
Publishing 'Little book of mt washi tape' and 'Japan in a Collection' zines
Making 'Snap Tokyo Girls bunting DIY Kit' and selling my wares at the A4 Paper Festival, Lark and Little Paper Lane.
Getting crafty making; Stamp, DIY Kits and gift wrapping
Self-made envelopes, Xmas decorations.
Being interviewed by Paper Runway Magazine and Nenz.
Having a gallery/shop space in Kit's Mini Mart at the Rocks, Sydney and selling my handmade creations like; fairy bread cards and displaying Kawaii pop decor as well as hosting a kawaii pop Rosette making workshop!!
Paper Peko and Friends
Learning how to crochet and knit
Scoring a job in my dream industry!
Write commentsyay! happy new year jenna
ReplyHappy new year. I hope you have another exciting year. Lisa xo
ReplyHappy New Year!! 明けましておめでとうございます!
ReplyHave a joyful new year jenna!! Its great to see you accomplish your dreams and I hope you continue to follow your dreams in 2012. I hope to accomplish more of my crafty dreams this year too fingers crossed.
ReplyMemtree - Happy New Year beautiful xo

ReplyLisa - Hope you have a wonderful 2012 too xo
Veronica - Happy New Year! Love the Japanese writing
Kelly Zarb - Looking forward to seeing what crafty adventures you have in store for yourself this year kel xo
Happy 2012, Jenna! It's awesome when you have your resolutions accomplished, isn't it? I hope this year will be just as fruitful for you!
ReplyI'm totally rooting for you, Jenna! :] Happy New Year.
ReplyCookie Cutter - Happy New Year to you too Sandy. It does feel great when you accomplish things no matter how small they are. All the luck and love to you in 2012
ReplySewon - Happy 2012 beautiful! It has been lovely chatting to you this year xo