
Sunday, October 16, 2011 6 Comments A+ a-

There was lots of crafty Kawaii fun going on yesterday at the Mini Mart for my Kawaii Pop Rosette Workshop! Thank you to the talented lovelies who attended - big hugs.
The workshop began with a little introduction to their DIY Kits that included some self-made confetti paper (more on this soon), Kawaii Pop collage sticker set, How to DIY and some pattern masking tape that I made. Off course I also talked a bit about my fave craft tool - washi tape.

As you can see workshop peeps Mira (love her Miffy shirt!) and Kit made some pretty things, our creations seemed to be themed around polka dots and Neko's (cat's). After we made some rosettes we also got crafty making self-made envelopes, gift tags and decorations, while we ate Peko milky sweets and french lavender mints.

A little video of the day, music by Lullatone, the song is also called polka dots!


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October 16, 2011 at 8:30 PM delete

so sorry I missed it! it looks like so much fun and the rosettes are adorable!!! I have a wash cloth that I got in Tokyo that looks just like that pink tape with the cats! hope to see you soon.

October 17, 2011 at 9:26 AM delete

Sheila - That's ok, I am very sure we will have the opportunity to craft together again soon, it was so wonderful having Mira there too! Oh I wanna see your Tokyo wash cloth. The cat on the tape is called 'Kutusitanyanko'. xo

Nat Palaskas
October 17, 2011 at 12:47 PM delete

This looked like fun, I wish I was there. It's nice to meet another everything Japanese lover. Have you lived in Japan or visited Japan? Hugs Nat

October 17, 2011 at 1:09 PM delete

Eep, these are adorable! Especially that kitty cat one. :] It's inspiring to see you participating in pop-up shops and holding workshops.

Cookie Cutter
October 17, 2011 at 1:39 PM delete

It looks like you had an awesome time! Well done, Jenna!

October 17, 2011 at 2:48 PM delete

Nat - Hi! First can I say what a beautiful, inspiring and talented daughter you have! Hope I get the chance to meet you one day, Kit has told me so much about all your cool Japan crafty adventures. I wish I lived in Japan but I have only visited there. Hope to go back very soon

Sewon - It really was a fun and enjoyable day crafting and chatting, we got a bit carried away with the cat love though, ha! x

Sandy - Thanks beautiful, big congrats on your pouches featured in frankie magazine! What a dream come true
