Mini Mart Launch

Friday, October 07, 2011 4 Comments A+ a-

We had an overwhelming response from the crafty and creative community for the launch of the Mini-Mart Pop-Up shop on Wednesday night. For those who attend a big thank you for coming and supporting us, it was a great night and so lovely to meet and chat with some of you about Japan and crafty things!
Thanks must also go to Fbi Radio and the Rocks Pop-Up Project team for hosting the event!

Our Workshops kick of from Saturday 15th, so not long left to book a place for my KAWAII POP ROSETTE WORKSHOP, that comes with an exclusive specially designed DIY Kit for workshop participants - Yay!

My little Kawaii-Pop themed gallery/ shop space!
Kit's Cat-tastic zines and felt creations
Kit's friend Claire makes these sweet crochet mushroom, heart necklaces, bow ties and knitted rings.
The nights 'Make Something' craft table.


Write comments
October 7, 2011 at 6:44 PM delete

wow! the photos look awesome!! Love how you've set up, the decor on the wall. Nice!! How fun to have pop-up store!

October 8, 2011 at 11:46 AM delete

Ohh your mini mart is adorable! I'm glad to hear everything went well. Have fun with the workshop!

October 10, 2011 at 9:57 PM delete

Oh, I wish I lived in Japan right now (though I've wished that a lot of other times as well)! The Mini Mart looks sooo good! Absolutely love the Pop Rosette workshop... life's better with rosettes.
BTW thanks so much for your lovely comment on my blog! I've been secretly reading your blog for a while and I love everything about it. It's so unique and so fun and colorful... really makes my day! Love from the Netherlands!

October 12, 2011 at 10:50 AM delete

L - Aww Thanks so much lil xx

Sewon - Thanks for all the well wishes, it nice to have a little shop to sell some of my creations and meet lots of lovely people.

NEnz - Thanks for stopping by and saying hi! Thank you again for all the mentions on your bright, colourful and fun blog I have travelled to the Netherlands before and loved it x
