Magazines in REAL time

Tuesday, November 01, 2011 19 Comments A+ a-

Today I want to share with you something a bit more personal. For the past three years (or more!) I have been working towards getting a job in my dream industry - magazines. Well the other day I achieved such dream and am now a full time PAID worker at an amazing Aussie women's magazine working with the loveliest team!!!

I must admit the journey has not been easy. To get here I had to do many unpaid jobs, attend lots and lots of job interviews, take risks and fail and at the same time, try to remain strong in my belief that I could do it even after getting bucket loads of rejection.

In the end I think it was my persistence, willingness to work hard for nothing, dedication, positive outlook (even after the knock backs) and my passion for magazines that really got me through....oh and luck!

Magazines is a hard industry to crack into, but if you work hard enough and have a deep love for it - you can get there.....eventually!

I think I am proof of that. I started out with no contacts whatsoever. I began by doing volunteer work at an online magazine for free, building up my published portfolio pitching to online and print magazines, networking through social media, doing lots of work experience and an internship, remaining current in the media (starting my blog), using all work experience and job interviews as a spring board soaking up every bit of opportunity I could get out of them and finding some great mentors. Phew! I think I could write a book about it!

I hope that all of you don't give up on your dream jobs and remember to believe in yourselves and know that you are worthy and if you have the passion to live doing something you love....Go get it!!


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little love
November 1, 2011 at 4:37 PM delete

Congratulations! That is fantastic news, you must be so proud! And so you should be! I really admire your persistence especially since its so easy to just give up! I'm going to use you as inspiration when my dreams start to seem too hard! Thanks! xx

November 1, 2011 at 5:05 PM delete

Congratulations on acheiving your dream. I hope you enjoy every working day.

November 1, 2011 at 5:18 PM delete

I am thrilled for you jenna at least you never gave up on your dream, keep doing what you do best!!!

November 1, 2011 at 6:07 PM delete

Congratulations!!! There is nothing more beautiful than doing what you love. Your history, passion and persistence has filled me of energy to follow my dreams.

I love all about japanese craft, so I enjoy a lot reading your posts on my cellphone.


November 1, 2011 at 6:52 PM delete

omedetou (congrats), jenna!! i'm so happy for you. we all know that you're very talented and amazing person. so you deserve it!!

ps: i love peko-chan too!

November 1, 2011 at 9:03 PM delete

congrats jenna! hope it's everything that you dreamed it would be...and more!

November 2, 2011 at 1:56 AM delete

congratulations! I gave up on working for a magazine long ago but I still like to look at cool ones, hope you keep your side projects going too!

November 2, 2011 at 7:34 AM delete

OH Congratulations!!! You deserve it! So happy for you

November 2, 2011 at 8:49 AM delete

Congratulations on reaching your goals and achieveing your dream! It must feel wonderful having all the hard work pay off. You are so talented and definately deserve it!

November 2, 2011 at 7:08 PM delete

Thank you all so much for your kind and supportive comments - it means so much to me and I am truly touched. It's great to know you have some great friends/readers out there that understand and may have been or on the same journey. I wanted to post something that would inspire other people to not give up on their own career dreams no matter how long or hard it may be to obtain.

Little Love - Welcome, hello thank you! So happy to hear that I may have given you some inspiration. I wish you all the best with your own endevours x

Lisa - I have been there for only a couple of days and I'm already loving every minute of it

Kelly - I must admit it has been a struggle at times but it was worth it in the end.

Ceci - Hi, wonderful to hear from you thanks for stopping by. happy to hear you enjoy my Japan craft posts - still lots more to come xo

Makiko - Konichiwa! Shucks you make me blush - with your kind words xo

Memtree - Ah thanks so much! I still have lots to learn

Kara Mae - Lovely to hear from a new reader, thanks for taking the time to comment. Love to hear more about your magazine experience. Yes I will still be keeping my side projects going. I will be making my posts on the weekend and publishing them live in the mornings during the week before work

Jannese - Thanks for your continuous support

Like Giselle - Big Smiles, thanks for stopping by to say hello, you are one talented crafty lady yourself

Cookie Cutter
November 4, 2011 at 12:45 PM delete

Congrats, Jenna! It's a dream come true. Awesome!

November 4, 2011 at 6:50 PM delete

Congratulations! You are inspiring!

November 5, 2011 at 2:45 PM delete

Thanks for your congrats Sandy and Christy! x

Janis Nova
November 6, 2011 at 4:50 AM delete

congratulations! i came upon your blog because i just bought your two awesome books on etsy while searching "mt tape" and saw your blog link on your etsy profile.. this post is so inspiring, and very real for me ~ as im struggling and wondering when ill ever get my dream job. i know now that it's not easy, but you can achieve it! thanks for being a source of inspiration and btw, your blog is wonderful! im new to the whole paper crafts scene, and i want to know more about it! the colors and cuteness makes me so happy! you have a new reader ! btw, looking forward to your books in the mail!

November 6, 2011 at 8:57 AM delete

Pinksugarichigo - Hey! Yes, thanks so much for buying my zines, I posted them up with some kawaii stationery and decorated the parcel with some of my new stamps and washi tapes! Posting it tomorrow I would be lying if I said my journey into mags was easy, there were some pretty dark times when I was worried it would never happen no matter what experince I had. The key is to not give up
The paper craft scene is endless, it's so fun making things out of paper! You must give it a go. BTW your blog is kawaii wow wonderful!! xx

November 6, 2011 at 10:06 AM delete

I have only had a chance to go through my reader and am so very happy to hear the great news!! YAY!!!! I know the struggle and its an amazing feeling to do what you love! xxxxx

Emmie Rae
November 6, 2011 at 5:53 PM delete

Amazing news~~ Congrats! couldn't agree more with the above comments. you totally deserve this. yayayay! xx

November 8, 2011 at 5:23 PM delete

Jenna, I am so happy for you!! YOu are great at what you do and you will bring the fantastic, creative element that is you to the mag!! big congrats.!!

November 13, 2011 at 8:57 PM delete

Congratulations! I really enjoy reading your blog and I am happy to read about your exciting news! x
