Pink Things

Saturday, March 24, 2012 8 Comments A+ a-

Here are a few of my favourite pink things, I very much enjoy arranging things in colour themes. A 'pretty in pink' collection.

Also this week Jannese was kind enough to nominate me for a sunshine award. Thanks Jannese! Here are my answers and some wonderful peeps who also deserve a ray of sunshine, too.

favorite color: Hard to name just one, so I will say bright neon's and pastels!
favorite animal: I just adore my Neko (cat) Salem, but I would love to have a llama or a tea-cup piglet one day!
favorite non-alcoholic drink: I'm glad this says non-alcoholic because I just hate alcohol! My fave drinks are; orange cordial, hot chocolate and white chocolate mocha's.
facebook or twitter: Twitter all the way
getting or giving presents: Definitely giving as it allows me to get creative with gift wrapping or make something handmade. I also love seeing the look on people's faces when they open gifts.
favorite flower: Jasmine as it reminds me of my childhood.
favorite pattern: Polka dots, gingham and geometric shapes. 
favorite number: 4

Sandy:for her beautiful photos of Singapore and her cute handmade plushies.
Pinksugarichigo: for her love of kawaii and all things Japanese.
Makiko: She is adorable and lives in Japan, I love seeing all her posts on yummy Japanese treats!
Nancy: Her blog Nenz is dedicated to all things that make her happy, they make me happy too!
Merissa: Her blog is stunning, beautiful photography, DIY's and her stationery posts make my eyes pop!


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March 24, 2012 at 10:24 PM delete

Jenna your blog is filled with cuteness, fun creativity, and lots of paper goodies that I love! I am so touched by the kind words you said about my blog, especially since I really enjoy yours too! Keep up the great work! xo

March 25, 2012 at 10:37 AM delete

Hi Merissa! I just had to nominate you as I think you are wonderful, thanks for your kind words about my blog too xx

Janis Nova
March 25, 2012 at 8:16 PM delete

How lovely! I really love your favorite pink things! Love how you laid it all out too.. My favorite has to be the swimmer item - is that a notebook or stationary?

Thank you also for linking my blog on here! you are too sweet!

Cookie Cutter
March 26, 2012 at 12:17 PM delete

So flattered to see my name in this post! Thanks, Jenna! I always find inspiration from visiting your blog too.

I also think it's so cute that you want a llama!

March 26, 2012 at 2:56 PM delete

jenna!! you're sooo sweet. thank you so much for mentioning about me. you gave me a big smile on my face!!! i'm so sorry i'm so lazy to update my blog. if i update my blog next time, it'll dedicated to you!! i'm going to buy some cute sweets and take a pic for you! <3

March 26, 2012 at 7:52 PM delete

Swimmer was one of my first brand loves in Japan! I just love their kawaii critter bags, wallets and accessories. This is a mirror, it came with a Swimmer mook. I will blog some pictures of it soon xo

April 1, 2012 at 10:53 AM delete

Thanks, Sandy that means alot. I just love llama's I think it's cute that they are so inquisitive

April 1, 2012 at 10:55 AM delete

Hi Makiko off course I had to mention your blog, your words are so beautiful, thanks for dedicating a post to me - so nice!
