Tokyo Journal
I travelled all over Japan in 2009 during Cherry Blossom season. Everywhere I went I picked up brochures, catalogues, magazines and souvenirs like; napkins, and business cards from shops and restaurants as well as pretty packaging and train/admission tickets to put in my journal when I returned home. Ha! many bags in my suitcase were filled of these things.
Hope you enjoy these pictures of pages from my journal during my time in Tokyo. Please excuse the very messy writing! Eeep!
1.Journal opening pages collage of fave Japan things. 2.Airport and rail passes - oh I miss the Suica Penguin Japan's rail mascot! 3.My little Tokyo rail map made out of washi tape. 4.Odaiba has great shopping complexes like Aqua City and Tokyo Decks, also went to the Anime festival at Tokyo Big Site. 5.I think I visited every Studio Ghibli store I could find - Moe Garden was a fave! 6.Shinjuku opened their 0I0I Marui Curren building when I was there, had a cool Blythe store in it! You can't go into a store without someone yelling out Irasshaimase! which means 'welcome to our store'. 7. Mementos from Harajuku, the Mighty Soxer smiley face is a fave. 8.Kiddyland bento's and more pictures from Harajuku. 9, 10, 11. I just HAD to go to the Studio Ghibli museum in Mitaka. It was amazing!! I went broke buying things from their museum store too!
Zine News: I have almost finished my next zine which ties in with my Japan trip!!
Write commentsyay cant wait for your new zine sooo excited!!
ReplyYAY!!!!!!! Im planning on going next year for the first time and need all the help I can get with places to go and things to do. So very looking forward to seeing your experience! x
ReplyKelly - ah thanks! Always so nice. Looking forward to yours too! Ooo collage love!

ReplyKatrina - oh my your GOING TO JAPAN! Eeep! So jealous! Perhaps I should hide in your suitcase
Your journal is so much fun! I have a huge ziplock bag full of stuff I meant to put in my journal but they're all just sitting in that bag instead. ;[ What's your next zine about? Can't wait to hear more about it!
ReplyI love your journal! Now I want to do that with every country I visit!
ReplyVery nice and so creative! I love the colours and the little scribbles. Such great textures ^^
ReplySewon - Hey! Thanks I had so much fun making it. Yes it can be hard to find the time to document all our collected items
I will be blogging about my zine very soon xx
ReplyMarina - Hi and welcome, so lovely of you to stop by and say hey. Oh you should do the same thing with your travels! It's always nice to go back and look over.
Island - Thanks! I have been collage journaling since my early teens, so it was nice to take the format into my travel journals.
i love these pics! i hope you come back to japan soon
ReplyMakiko - OOO Thanks! Hai I really want to go back to Japan, love it so much I would live there
ReplyAwesome! I'm planning to get back to Japan some time over the next couple years, can't WAIT!
ReplyVery cute travel journal! Totally KAWAII!
ReplyIndie Thrifter- Oh that's wonderful news! I wanna go too! Eeep!

ReplyChristy - Ah shucks/blush
ReplyJenna, I never commented on this and I just wanted to say it's absolutely beautiful! So colorful and feels like what Japan feels to me, order and beauty in a sea of visual information. SUPER!!!!
ReplyHanna - I thought you might like the Ghibli stuff
ReplyJannese - What a lovely thing to say, thanks, that has made my day xx
Hello Jenna! I'm Planning a Trip to japan Next year - I would love to pick your brain about your favourite places & things to do! - I have my own blog & Also live in Sydney! Any chance I could write you? Peace & Love.
ReplyHi Rin, Wonderful to hear from you. My letter box or email inbox is always free if you want to write. I actually self-published a little travel guide on Japan if you are interested in learning some of my favourite Japan places and things. You can get it hear;