カメラ日和 Life With Camera + Neko Love

Thursday, August 25, 2011 5 Comments A+ a-

One of the lovely things in this weeks Amazon Japan package included an issue of J-mag カメラ日和 Life with Camera. This issue is dedicated to taking pictures of cats! (Neko in Japanese). The magazine is packed full of kawaii pictures of cats, photographic techniques and photobook making ideas. I've started to make my own photobook of my cat Salem (Yes, named after the cat from 'Sabrina the Teenage witch'- my family's idea). However unlike the cats in the book Salem is a bit more anti-social than the other cats in the mag, so it was hard to get some different posed shots.
My beautiful boy Salem.

Some pictures from カメラ日和 Life with Camera
This last shot is so Salem - always trying to sit in the highest place possible in the house.


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August 25, 2011 at 8:47 PM delete

In Japan they have the coolest mags. This one on cats is so cute! Now I wish I had a kitty to photo like how you have Salem

August 25, 2011 at 11:13 PM delete

the cat is so cute sitting on the bookshelves.

August 26, 2011 at 10:00 AM delete

I too cute my little cat Zena would probably attack me if I tried to take a photo of her.

August 28, 2011 at 12:28 PM delete

Merissa- They really do, so hard to go back to english books.

Lillian - I like how it looks like he/her has pushed his way in to sit there!

Kit - It is a cat lover fave xx

Kelly - Oh you have a cat! I like the name Zena
