Marie Claire Idees

Thursday, July 28, 2011 0 Comments A+ a-

I have a glossy love for the french magazine Marie Claire Idees, by looking at the cover I bet you can guess why! This issue includes a wall tree made from washi tape as well as other decor ideas for like; decorated lamp shades, tables, chairs, windows, plates, journals and pretty birthday cards.

As well as focusing on craft and decor Marie Claire Idees includes features on travel (this issue it's on Kyoto), beauty, cooking, gardening and zakka products.

It also puts the spotlight on artist & designers such as; Lisa's Factory plushie accordions, TVs and camera's and Adeline Klam's Papeir Japonais stationery boutique etc.
This issue is packed full of DIY's on how to make a french garden, crochet/paper robin's,  a dog bed out of an old suitcase and kawaii bunny biscuits.