SHOP Til You Drop Feat: New Zine scene

Monday, January 10, 2011 0 Comments A+ a-

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Flicking through the latest issue (Feb 2011) of SHOP Til you drop magazine I let out a huge sequel when I came to Jade Warne's feature on 'The New Zine Scene'!
Being a zine lover...and maker myself I was thrilled to see zines featured in one of my fave Aussie glossy magazines along with mini interviews of my fave zines (My Tokyo: Fashion & Design shopping Guide, Bespoke, Spoonful, Mixtape etc.) & shops Lark, Leeloo and zine distro's Sticky Institute, Bird in the hand (where I also stock my zine- 'My Life In Biscuits').

SHOP is one of my fave publications because it is not afraid to step outside the 'mainstream' box by featuring underground trends and creatives.