Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sloth & Read

While the start of my week started out rather dreary because of a very bad cold, it did end rather rosy thanks to a wonderful Friday night shopping at Sydney's winter Finders Keepers market.
This is where I found this amazing sloth plate made by Gretel Girl. How cute is it?? If you follow me on instagram (Username: Jenna Templeton) you would of seen some snaps of the night.
The business cards alone are a work of art in itself!
I was thrilled when I found the store The Super Cool as they were selling copies of Anthology magazine (my new mag obsession) and Uppercase - mags that are hard to come by here in OZ. They were even selling mt tape - yes!

This years Finders Keepers poster was designed by Andrea Smith - it was orginally made with paper - stunning!

Hope everyone had a fabulous week!


  1. Cute sloth plate! I love FK markets!

    1. It's great hey! You can always find something unique and fun there!

  2. Yes I went Finders Keepers when it was last in Melb it was sooo busy but fun.

    1. Hi Kelly, oh I would love to go to FK in Melbourne one day! I want to make it to the next Mark It too, it looks fab xo

  3. Replies
    1. Welcome Boheme Circus! They are little delights! Just checked out your blog, great to blog meet another washi tape fan!

  4. The sloth plate is adorable! I love his little tie. :)

    I can see that The Super Cool was also selling Kinfolk (my new mag obsession). I's impossible to find these amazing magazines here in Rio. I wish we had markets like this here.

    The poster is a-ma-zing!

    I hope you're feeling better. ♥
