Monday, September 12, 2011

Scribbles, Paper, Pastels

Getting some pastel 'colour-spiration' from washi tapes, nail polish and pretty polka dot paper in beautiful lavender, pink, blue and yellow hues. I found this wonderful book called 気持ちを伝えるちょこっとイラスト in Kinokuniya by Yuzuko. I just love his adorable pencil and pen drawings - these are called 'chokotto' in Japanese. This book teaches you how to draw your own simple chokotto characters and kawaii fonts and using them to make gift tags or for journaling. Loving the character with the odango (hair bun) and the little 'sad, sorry, tear' gift tags - super cute ideas Yuzuko!


  1. Lovin the lavender nails you are rockin there Miss Jenna.

  2. ohh that book.. it so adorable! I spent about 2 hours in kinokuniya on the weekend and was so overwhelmed i ended up leaving with nothing >_< hehee

    emmie xx

  3. Kelly - Ha! you caught me...coordinating my nails to my post :)

    Emmie Rae - Welcome & hey! Oh we could of been standing next to each other in Kinokuniya, I was there Sunday. I really could shop there for a day, yes it can overwhelm the wallet :) Great to know there is another Japan lover in Sydney!

  4. Hi Jenna, love those tapes :) I'm getting those too :) Unfortunately we don't have a Kinokuniya in Hawaii but the web has been a great resource. Lovin your cute nail polish colors! You should try doing a French tip with the green over your lavender color, I think it would be soo cute! x

  5. I love pastel colours and Kinokuniya. I could spend forever in that store :)
    I think I'm starting to become a little obsessed with washi tape, thanks to your blog, haha.

  6. lovely pastel colours! that book has now been added to my wishlist :p thanks :)

  7. Merissa - omg! I had the top of my nails painted in the mint but I had to cover them up to keep it professional for work :)

    Island - Ha! Oh be careful of the wahi tape as yes it can be very addictive to both buy and use!

    Memtree - Oh wonderful to hear from you! It is a great book and there is a whole collection of them too.

  8. kawaii! that book is now officially on my wishlist too. :)

  9. jejeeee! This are my favorite nail colors too!!! :) mint and lilac!
    I use the Hello Kitty nail polish from Sephora, try the Banana Cream (pastel yellow) It´s beautiful too!!! ♥
