Sunday, August 28, 2011

Crafty Book Goodness

As requested by some of my lovely readers, some inside pictures of my latest Amazon Japan craft book buys!
1. 女の子の大好きをたくさん集めた 乙女なコラージュBOOK (Girl Collage). This has to be my favourite book at the moment as it includes some of my most loved Japanese collage artists; Wool Cube Wool and Bleu Blanche. Learn how to make collage; bookmarks, cards, boxes, envelopes and journal pages using materials such as; mt washi tape, lace, doilies, postage stamps, pretty papers etc. It also has a downloadable collage section containing pictures of macaroons, bunnies, bakery goods and pink and white stripe backgrounds!
As mentioned on my last post I have been experimenting with different ways to use photos, so I just had to get this book.
2. 手づくりおしゃれなフォト雑貨 ―J'adore!photoZAKKA; Learn how to make zakka and gifts using photo's, also includes some collage techniques.
3. As well as Japan craft books I have a bit of a Japanese travel book/mag collection. Yes I can't read it but I love looking at the illustrations and travel mementos on the pages. Some of the shops featured include store names and links in English though.
だれかとどこかへ―東京お散歩案内 (Tokyo strolling Guide)Have a walk together through Ginza, Asakusa and Shinjuku etc.


  1. Oh little zakka books come to mamma!!hello credit card.

  2. I adore the Tokyo Strolling Guide, especially the hand illustrations bits. Kawaii!

  3. Kelly - Hehe! Sorry! :)

    Christy - Thanks!

    Sandy - Yeah the patisserie illustrations are always a fave!
