Sunday, August 21, 2011

Colour Coded

Here are some of my latest 'colour-coded' buys, makes and eats;
1. Always a sucker for buying pretty wrapping paper, neon green catches my eye, 2. 消しゴムはんこのちょこっとアイデア by Mizutama; A cute Japanese book on stamp carving. Let me know if you want to see inside! 3. Blue/white cross washi tape, 4. My new android smartphone - in white! 5. A little self-made notebook 6. Fujiya Peko Milky chocolate bar. Peko is my favourite mascot in Japan.I love collecting Milky chocolate boxes as the packaging is oh so pretty! 


  1. Aloha Jenna, I'm loving your new finds! That book looks so interesting, yes let's see what's inside. Your blog is so kawaii! So glad to discover you. I'll be reading up through your posts. Yes, we do have similar interests (^•^) xo

  2. Aloha Merissa, thanks for stopping by and for all your lovely comments! Looking forward to reading all your future posts too:) hope to travel to Hawaii one day as it looks so beautiful :)

  3. Hi Jenna! That book looks amazing! Would love to see inside! I'm after more stamp making ideas! Thanks for sharing! xx

  4. Katrina - Thanks :) Will share inside photos soon!

    Kit- Next time we hang out and go shopping we can go buy some of these chocolates :)

  5. Please share some inside, my nearest japanese bookstore isn't close so i want to see before i buy!
