Saturday, July 2, 2011

ステキ文具 Suteki Stationery Mook

ステキ文具 Suteki Stationery Mook (a magazine/book) is the ultimate Kawaii catalog of Japanese stationary. Stationery fanatics beware, you won't put this mook down. I have had it for a few weeks now and look at it daily. It also comes with a special edition duo set of Midori D-clips of penguins and ducks!

Pages are filled with still photography layouts of animal, pop, sweets, retro and postal themed stationery products. As well as a page on the latest mt tape products, DIY's on how to make a corsage, ribbons, stamp making, drawing with coloured pens and pencils, travel journaling, self-made stationery envelopes, heart & t-shirt origami, gift wrapping with pretty papers, a 14 page guide on Japan's stationery shops- oh my! Their is even a page on how to use stationery for cooking! Oh boy! ie. metal ruler for cutting, whole puncher for veggies!

This mook really has it all!


  1. I've died and gone to staionary heaven, delightful!!!

  2. Hi Jenna. What is the ISBN of the mook? Thanks Lisa xo

  3. OMG amazing, would love to have a closer look at this xx

  4. Kelly- Ha! Tell me about it :)

    Kit - I will show you the mook when I see you next :)

    Lisa - Click on the word 'mook' in post it will take you to amazon jp. ISBN 978-4-584-22198-3

  5. Looks really tempting! Is it easy to transact on amazon jp?

  6. Cookie Cutter - I find amazon jp really easy to use, but you do need to translate most of the text to understand the sign in and to complete the transaction. Once you get your details on an account it's easy. Very fast delivery too, like 2 days!! :)

  7. OMG wanna add this to my bookshelf asap!

  8. i just got this! There's a japanese book store in san jose, california that carries these and tons more.

  9. Paper Pastries - It's such a good book hey! Wish I could go to that store in California. I got mine from Kinokuniya in Sydney :)
    Thanks for stopping by to comment!
