Sunday, April 17, 2011

Meiji Chocolate Mt tape Gift Wrapping

With Easter just around the corner, like me you are probably trying to find ways to make your homemade Easter treats that extra bit special. I found these wonderful Mt tape/Mt wrap Meiji chocolate gift wrapping tutorials that might too give you some inspiration for your own Easter treats.
By the way Meiji is like the Japanese version of Australia's Cadbury chocolate....that good.


  1. omg I love Japanese tape. Now I know what to do with them for holidays projects, thanks for sharing!

    I hopped over from Meet Me At Mike's, hope you're having a good day!

  2. Hi Liberal Sprinkles! Thanks for popping over from 'meet me at mikes' and for your kind comments. Yes I am a bit obsessed with mt tape, I even have a whole label (on left side bar) dedicated to it- ha!
    You have a wonderful day too :)

  3. AMAZING! Great find Jenna. I love the metallic type on Meiji chocolate bars. x
