Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pretty things in pink....and other colours

Lovelies Lab- Pretty pink gallery in Shibuya, Tokyo
The Diana world tour starts today in Sydney- runs till 31st March. Selected artists from around the globe have unleashed their creative aesthetic onto Diana F+ cameras for this exhibition. This pop colour one is a creation from Melbourne's Beci Orpin.

Lo Bjurulf interior via ii-ne-kore

Marks jp. scrapaholic brown paged notebook

One of my fave blogs Yvestown has produced a yearbook of her blog!

Latest Michi Girl Book

More pretty Japan packaging!

My B'day presents! Hiragana, Alphabet stamps, BNN Craft books, Mt Tape, Japan Travel books, Zines & cute kitty pencil case that I use to hold my new Winsor & Newton watercolours!


  1. i want my birthday gifts to be like this but no one else knows me like i do (but u know now) :P these are so pretttyyyyyyyyyyyy oh goodness gracious. are these self presents or..... XD

    cd i ask wats the michi girl book all about??? *wants a copy*

  2. oooh could i request if you take more photos of the inside of michi grrl? mitaiiiiiiiii! arigaaatou <3

  3. R@!$4 Thanks for your comments- only the bottom picture is my b'day presents :)
    I have yet to still buy the Michi girl book which is like a little encyclopedia of fashion, you can buy and see more pictures about it here:

    Hope this helps :)
