Monday, June 28, 2010

Glossy Love: CLEO (July)

The July issue of CLEO magazine is HOT HOT HOT! Cheeky Hilary Duff cover aside, once again Cleo's sassy, fashion forward, trend and lifestyle reporting content hits the spot.
Here are some of the best bits...

- Cleo's design team; Liz North, Kate Oliver, Lauren So and Jessica Martin bring inspiring retro layouts that make you feel like your reading from a photographic book rather then just a magazine- Love your stuff ladies! Liz Norths' unique design skills added something special to Girlfriend in the early 2000's, and now she is doing it again with Cleo!

- Interviews with Twilight's Kirsten Stewart, Robert Pattinson and cover star Hilary Duff who talks about her transformation from Disney becoming a woman,
- Cleo has embraced bloggers with each magazine profiling original talent from online. Being a blogger myself I do feel that Cleo is the magazine for bloggers. This month they cover 15 style websites that aren't the Satorialist. Tech heads will also love App of our eyes which is all about iPad apps.

- Confessions of a hoarder takes a look at not being able to let go of old and new possessions. This article is a great example of how Cleo makes smart image choices to go along with their articles- Love the Barbie and the Rockers doll! I had ...still have this doll. I guess you could say that I'm a childhood toy hoarder.

- Cleo always seems to know what I'm thinking...or worrying about- Is it ever okay to give up pg 82 is a great example of this. I've been persisting for a couple of years now to get a full time role in publishing and when times get tough you can't help but wonder- should I resolve? But no matter what people say or think, I push through those negative thoughts because I'm determined to accomplish my dream.

- Candice Chung's The New rites of passage, milestones that are defining Gen Y compared to past generations.

- Lol the money special accompanied with images of dinosaurs is just so random and hilarious- Love! Features include; What other people earn, How to live well on a small income and 15 ways to feel richer instantly.

-20 Things every girl should try once has become my new 'To-do List'!

- Always enjoy the Cleo staffer insight features like The Sweetest thing where the Cleo team divulges moments that changed them. The same can be said for celebrity Precious possession pg.98

- The East Enders fashion spread channels 50's Rockabilly Geek Chic, Which features Australia's Next top model finalist Cassi. (not in picture) 

- Cleo also adds their usual crafty arty flair with 'Happy day' Polaroid pictures in You're beautiful and the Insight sections Pint sized places and How to make a woolly winter water bottle cover.

- The layouts again make the men fashion and interview sections stand-out. pages106-111 As well as Cleo Health page Serves you right pg.164

-The stand-out pages of Cleo this month HAS to be the beautiful angelic illustrations by Bec Winnel for the beauty pages; The Greatest beauty looks of all time- More divine illustrations please Cleo!

This makes another wonderful issue of Cleo to bookshelf!

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